If you are a Linji Haven or Peronaut tenant and would like one of these objects for personal use, please contact Ged Larsen and specificy which object(s) and how many. A copy will be placed on your parcel, set to "Share with group," so that you can position and modify it (if permissions allow).
If you like these items, please support the creators by recommending their items or by purchasing their other products!
- CHOC Modern Home (by Ace Albion)
- ENRA Modern Beach Home (by Ace Albion)
- "Larsen" Prefab Stores and Accessories (by Barnesworth Anubis)
- Lifestyle Prefab Villa #1 (by Myles Cooper)
- Paradise Blanket, fully loaded (by october brotherhood)
- Living Creek (by Zora Spoonhammer) (modifications by Ged Larsen, for standing pools)
- (none purchased yet)
Poses / Animations
- Siggy's Waterworks Animations: Chillin', Layin', Sunnin', Lay back, Laazin', Relax (by Siggy Romulus, WaterWorks (177, 39, 25) ): chosen by Sierra Mills 2007-05-21
Suggestions for future purchases welcome!