LandScanner v1.0 available now at SL Exchange and SL Boutique, and will be available very soon in-world.
- for each parcel, LandScanner reports:
- parcel name, description, and size
- parcel owner (avatar name and key) and group (key)
- parcel prim counts
- total prims by category (owner, group, other, selected, temp on rez)
- if you own the land parcel, lists number of prims used by avatar name
- parcel flags (i.e., fly, scripts, landmarks, terraform, damage, create objects, access group, ban list, land pass list, spatialized sound, push restriction)
- for each Sim, LandScanner reports:
- all avatars (names and keys) and groups (keys) that own land in that sim
- maximal and minimal terrain elevations
- approximate percentage of sim terraformable to water
- calculate the average "slopiness" of the terrain in the sim, a degree of how un-flat the Sim is
- region flags (i.e., damage, fixed sun, block terraform, sandbox, collisions, physics, fly, telehub, push restriction)
- entire lists of sims can be cut and pasted from the Linden Lab "Auctions" page, for convenient teleportation to and analysis of upcoming sims
- completely flexible configuration, via a notecard, to specify:
- as many parcels, in as many different sims, as desired
- whether whole-sim terrain analysis should be performed
- whether whole-sim land ownership analysis should be performed
- whether parcel flags and region flags should be displayed
- output to owner chat, allowing copy / paste from the chat history
How to use the LandScanner:
- wear the LandScanner as an attachment
- right-click the LandScanner and choose Edit
- navigate to the Contents Tab
- double-click the notecard "scan program" to open it
- edit the contents of the notecard "scan program" as desired
- see the Notecard Configuration section and sample notecards below
- save the notecard
- close the notecard window and edit window
- touch the attached LandScanner to start!
Notecard configuration:
- sample notecards, from very simple to complex, are included below
- LandScanner starts at the top of the notecard, and works its way down
- blank lines are ignored
- all characters after a '/' character in a line are ignored (helpful for comments)
- SIM~simname, or simname (#,#)... (the format of the LL Auction page)
- if not currently in the sim "simname", will offer teleport to that sim
- once arrived, will execute any whole-sim analysis desired
- PARCEL~x,y~comment
- will analyze the parcel at the coordinates
in the current sim - "comment" is an optional comment that will be in the report
- the report will note if the prim allotment is exceeded
- if comment ends with "|###", "###" will be taken as a maximal prim count (rather than the LL-assigned max prim count, based on parcel area)
- all subsequent Sims in the notecard program have terrain analysis done if TRUE, or not, if FALSE
- all subsequent Sims in the notecard program have land owner cataloging done if TRUE, or not, if FALSE
- all subsequent Sims and Parcels in the notecard program will have Sim and Parcel flags reported if TRUE, or not, if FALSE
- SCAN~## (default 8 meters)
- sets the scan distance in whole-sim analysis to "##" meters
- ## = 4 meters will be a completely accurate but slow scan (all 4,096 4x4 meter possible parcels will be analyzed)
- ## = 8 meters will be 4x faster
- DELAY~## (default 7.5 seconds)
- set the waiting time allowed to return an avatar name from a UUID key to ## seconds
- set higher for more accuracy or laggy sims
Sample Notecards:
- Goal: check prim counts in 2 parcels located at <40,50> and <70,90> within the sim "ThisLand". If you own the land and are renting parcels out, this will report prim-usage by avatar, for each parcel.
PARCEL~70,90 - Same as above, but with optional comment and 234 as specified prim limit. Useful if you've allowed a "double-prim allowance" on your parcel.
PARCEL~40,50~comment about a plot|234
PARCEL~70,90~another comment|234 - Same as above, but then teleport to the sim AnotherLand, and check another parcel. Great if you are renting out parcels in multiple sims.
PARCEL~40,50~comment about a plot|234
PARCEL~70,90~another comment|234
PARCEL~20,60 - Same as above, but also include parcel flags for the parcels in AnotherLand, and after checking the parcels, check a high-resolution sim-wide owner analysis of the sim GooberVille. Finding all owners of land in GooberVille may facilitate forming a Sim Landowners Group, or identifying people who might wish to buy or sell land within the Sim.
PARCEL~40,50~comment about a plot|234
PARCEL~70,90~another comment|234
SIM~GooberVille - Same as above, but finally, do a lower resolution terrain analysis (without flags or owner lists) of a set of Sims cut and pasted from the Linden Labs Auction page. A very quick way to get a sense of which new Sims may have waterfront potential.
PARCEL~40,50~comment about a plot|234
PARCEL~70,90~another comment|234
Mills Haven (128,128) Mature 65504m 2h 23m US$2,751.00
Ottewell (128,128) Mature 65536m 2h 24m US$2,751.00
Malvern (128,128) Mature 65536m 2h 24m US$2,732.00
Peacock Park (128,128) PG 60656m 2h 25m US$2,539.00
Laurier (128,128) Mature 65536m 2h 37m US$2,731.00
Granville (128,128) PG 60544m 2h 37m US$2,501.00
Maplegrove (128,128) Mature 60144m 2h 41m US$2,632.00
Granada (128,128) PG 62944m 2h 41m US$2,601.00 - As you can see, notecard scanning programs can be as simple or as complex as you want
- recommend being in "fly" mode, at an altitude at least 50 meters above ground
- "no-script" zones do not apply, when high enough over the ground
- however, Sims with defined "telehubs" may force you to no-script ground levels, so you might have to manually fly back up
- if your scanner program seems to stop, make sure you are not in no-script territory
- inter-sim teleport is not possible via the LSL scripting language without any user intervention, so you will have to click the "Teleport" button when moving between sims
- how "fine" the sim-wide scan depends on how accurate you want the results to be
- the minimum size of a parcel is 4 x 4 meters (frequently used for those 16 sq m ad spam lots), so if you want to be sure to detect these, you will want a "SCAN" fineness of 4 meters
- will catalog EVERY owner of land in the sim
- scanning every 8 meters will be 4x faster, and will catch every parcel greater than or equal to 8 x 8 meters
- will catalog almost every owner of land in the sim
- scanning every 16 meters will be 16x faster than the 4 meter scan
- good for a quick terrain analysis
- the "DELAY" time will determine how accurate assignment of owner to an avatar vs. a group will be
- there is no LSL function at present to determine for sure whether a UUID key belongs to a group
- there is no way to retrieve the group name via a UUID key
- instead, LSL forces you to try to find an avatar name linked with a UUID key, and if no response is returned, we assume it was a UUID to a group
- the "DELAY" time is how many seconds the script will wait for an avatar name to be returned, before giving up and assuming that the UUID is for a group
- set the "DELAY" time higher for more accuracy, or in laggy sims
- LSL allows checking of current ground height and terrain slope, but not what the original pre-terraforming levels are
- therefore, estimates of percent of sim able to be converted to water may be inaccurate
- for example, imagine an entire sim with an original elevation throughout of 4.1 meters which is then maximally terraformed downwards to an elevation of 0.1 meters; when the LandScanner runs, it will erroneously report that the entire land mass is within terraforming distance of water, although in actuality, none of it will be
- LSL does NOT support checking to see whether a parcel is for sale, for what price, or allowing automated buying
- the "Landbots" that you may have heard of use custom-written clients to access SL
- if Linden Labs updates LSL to allow for any of the above issues to be dealt with, LandScanner will be updated and distributed to all purchasers