Monday, June 4, 2007

a quick necklace

Some of the testers have been reluctant to try out the LinkRez notecard programs, but I'd really like to encourage users to realize that they're really quite flexible, and not that hard to write.

Here's an example of a necklace that took me maybe 40 minutes to create, almost from scratch. There are some imperfections with the sizing / spacing, but those are all fixable within the notecard program (I was just too lazy to do it right). And afterwards, I was able to custom-fit them to three different avatars, within a few minutes.

The centerpiece was made separately, by using the BRACELET setting to rez the sapphires in a simple circle. I then linked the ring of sapphires with a large diamond, and made that a separate link, called "diamondcenter."

The notecard program looks like this:

LINK diamondcenter~13.5~<180,>~<-0.00003, 0.00011, 0.03778>
LINK diamond 1.9mm~1.861572~<180,>~<-0.00002, -0.00005, 0.00946>
LINK diamond 5.7mm~5.699158~<180,>~<0.00001,>
LINK round sapphire~1.861572~<180,>~<-0.00002, -0.00005, 0.00946>
LINK diamond 5.7mm~5.699158~<180,>~<0.00001,>

LINK round sapphire~1.861572~<180,>~<-0.00002, -0.00005, 0.00946>
LINK diamond 1.9mm~1.861572~<180,>~<-0.00002, -0.00005, 0.00946>

LINK silver tube~6.164551

Translated, line-by-line, the notecard program reads:
  • use an odd number of links, so that the center piece will be centered
  • rez the center piece, then a 1.9 mm diamond, then a 5.7 mm diamond, then a sapphire, then another 5.7 mm diamond
  • then, repeat the following, until we're almost at the side of the necklace, 80 degrees from the front
    • sapphire
    • 1.9 mm diamond
  • then, rez a silver tube
  • since we're now at the end of the notecard, just finish up the necklace using the silver tube
The gap between the centerpiece and the next small gem could be fixed by editing the "size" of the "diamondcenter," probably from 13.5 down to 13 mm would work well.

But the point of this exercise wasn't to generate a perfected necklace, but just to illustrate that it took less than an hour of time to generate a fairly decent necklace. And that once generated, it could be resized to custom-fit most any avatar.